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The 2022 session of the Schools for the Planet Summer Institute was held in June 2022. 22 educators and community members participated, earning 18 continuing education units each for their work. Drs. Marek Oziewicz and Nick Kleese facilitated the institute.
Here's what participants say:
- "As a teacher of science in a high school setting, this summer school was an opportunity for me to engage with other individuals to walk through the process of framing ways that we will change the route that our current planet and peoples are taking. In order to change the route we need to change the logic of our people, youth and adults alike. Science is not enough. Literacy on its own is not enough. The blend of literacy and science through narrative and story can "open eyes" of all ages and walks of life to the concept that we can overcome." - Cory
- "On a broad scale, the classrooms are THE place where climate action must take place. If we seek to create systems-level change related to the climate, universal climate literacy is the foundation of achieving this change. It's important that all humans not only understand the basic science of climate change, but can also think critically about their global/socioeconomic positionality related to climate/environmental justice." - Abby
- "The goal of education is to prepare our children for the lives that they will one day lead. The unavoidable reality is that children in school today exist in a world that has been altered, is currently being altered, and will continue to be altered by climate change. Therefore, climate literacy is a fundamental necessity for them to understand and thrive in the world in which they live. Climate literacy should be an interdisciplinary component to education, but teachers, without support, are less likely to be able to integrate authentic climate literacy learning opportunities into the classroom." - Laura