Jo Bjorgaard is a nurse and a healthcare sustainability and climate change and health strategist working to help healthcare systems and organizations reduce their environmental footprint and to prepare the healthcare workforce and communities to respond to the impacts of climate change. With over ten years of clinical experience and quality improvement expertise, Jo holds a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification with a project portfolio including greenhouse gas reduction and other environmental sustainability focused projects. She is a senior Doctor of Nursing Practice student at the University of Minnesota specializing in Health Innovation and Leadership and has focused her studies and doctoral work on planetary health. Jo’s background in nursing has given her a unique lens from which to understand the connections between human and Planetary Health. Jo is a Quality Improvement Consultant at a large academic medical center. She has developed website content for leading climate organizations, is a Board Member of Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate and has provided climate change and health, and environmental sustainability guest lectures and presentations at hospitals, academic institutions, webinars, and conferences internationally. Jo is passionate about educating communities about the intersections of planetary and human health and hopes to create systemic changes that inspire everyone to honor and advocate for the sustainability of our planet.