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Schools for the Planet 2023 was held on June 20-22 in Peik Hall on the University of Minnesota's East Bank campus. 23 educators and community members participated, each earning 12 continuing education units. Drs. Stephanie Rollag Yoon, Jana Lo Bello Miller, and Nick Kleese facilitated.
Here's what participants say:
- "Teaching students about climate change, which is their future, is foundational to every future decision they will make. Education is our responsibility so that students are informed and agents of change." - Marie
- "This work was important to me because I know it is work that is necessary for our world, and because it is work that students want to do. Being in the classroom, I see how students want to engage with the natural world and tackle the big questions that come with being a person on Earth. Students already have an awareness of the challenges we face due to climate change, and equipping them with the tools of climate literacy makes them better advocates for themselves and for others. Stories are an essential part of the work of being a human, helping us build empathy, see new perspectives, and imagine new possibilities." - Brynne
- "I attended this institute as a person who facilitates professional development and coaching for teachers. I fully believe that every teacher must have a climate literacy lens and I am excited to have the opportunity to reach more teachers and students nationally with the knowledge and lens I gained from this institute. During the course, I also asked my 7 year old son what he know about climate change and he blew me away with all the connections he was making from knowledge to action. Our kids are ahead of us and we need to be prepared to nurture that curiosity, concern and advocacy that is brewing within them." - Molly