Samantha Lindgren

University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne
Associate Director of Events
Assistant Professor, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership


Dr. Lindgren’s work focuses on youth-oriented Sustainability Education, including Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development, and its impact on decision-making in the home, both in the United States and abroad. Her work is situated in topics of household energy and sustainable agriculture. She examines youth and their ability to affect change in their homes and communities through purposeful sustainability education programming in formal and informal settings. Internationally, her work is focused on the introduction of efficient cookstoves and sustainable agriculture practices in resource-limited settings and the role that education and youth play in strengthening community resilience. Domestically, she examines environmental education programming that addresses access and equity, as a way to connect youth and their households to their local environments. Dr. Lindgren is affiliated faculty in the department of Agriculture and Biological Engineering and the Technology Entrepreneurship Center in the Grainger College of Engineering, as well as the Women and Gender in Global Perspectives program.

(Biography from University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne)

Samantha Lindgren